Friday, August 5, 2011

NEW DISCOVERY - Can You Create Your Own Micro Hydro Energy Power Plant?

NEW DISCOVERY - Can You Create Your Own Micro Hydro Energy Power Plant?. Well, maybe not want a total energy plant, but the basic concept is the same. Micro Hydro Energy is a renewable form of energy is of great interest to a growing number of people. Is an alternative to coal or oil, clean, and sustainable. It is, however, limited to certain areas. If you happen to have available a running river or stream near your home, you can use to create micro hydro power.

The same principles have been making electric dams are popular for many years to apply for micro hydro. With dams, electricity is produced by large amounts of water. (Think of Niagara Falls and the Hoover Dam). However, dams alter the natural flow of rivers and streams, can damage fragile ecosystems and create problems with them. Micro hydropower is different because it uses the natural flow of rivers and streams without interrupting, without the dam up. On the other hand, there is very little environmental impact of micro hydro systems.

Another advantage of micro hydro power is the fact that they work every day. Solar energy has to store its energy for use at night, and wind turbines depend on the airflow. All micro hydropower depends on the flow of water in the stream or river. Energy is produced day and night, and if the wind blows or not.

If a fast or moderate current flows is of little matter. Energy is produced no matter what. Of course, the water flows faster, more energy is created, but never stopped completely.

Here is a simple explanation of how it works: turbine water wheel placed in the river or stream where water flows - or moderately fast. The water flows through and moves the turbines, creating energy. The water flow is not interrupted, and the ecosystem has not been damaged by the turbines are built with environmentally clean materials. Any small change in the general area of ​​the facility, the impact of the environment minimally.

The energy produced from these turbines is used and delivered to your home. If you are outside the network, which is producing enough energy in this way all the power of your home. If you are still in the network, any excess energy created can be sold to the electric company in your area.

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